Saturday, October 24, 2009

Reflection #15 EDF2085 Holocaust

Samantha Clarke
Reflection #15 EDF2085 Holocaust

There are many denial regarding the holocaust, regardless of the countless evidence that have been forthcoming. There are still many who today say that the holocausts never happen. Do I believe that this barbaric act took place? Yes I do. Even today there a lot of people who have not heard of the incident. Holocaust is generally defined as the genocide of the Jewish group. In addition to this race, there are also other groups who were destroyed; these include people with disabilities, Jehovah Witness and other religious groups. This ruthless act was lead by Adolf Hitler and his army. These innocent people were taken from their homes and community under false pretence I assume and was lead down a rather destructive path. They were lead into slavery and was literal starved and beaten to death. They faced a rather harsh living condition; they were isolated and treated as animal. What would lead one person to commit such devious act? It is as a result of prejudice, discrimination and the greed for power and superiority.

This might have seems to happen many years ago, and many thought that this might not happen ever again in history. But one have to be careful of turning a blind eye to such devilish acts. In our society today, it often seems that the pursuit for individualism is on the rise. Every one is about protecting their own. Everyone has become so materialistic and completion is rather a valued and cherished way of getting ahead. This can be one way in which a genocidal act might repeat itself. The claim to make a perfect society has lead to an unlawful act of genocide. However Hitters act was a act of hatred for Jews and he did stated that as soon as he was in power he would exterminate all Jews. By the 1933, Jews were restricted of their social rights, they also passed law to eliminated Jews from official offices. Jews were not allowed to go to school, own farms or work in any offices of the country. My question to this is, why didn’t someone attempted to do something about this at the time?