Saturday, October 17, 2009

Reflection #14 EDF2085 Prejudice

Samantha Clarke
Reflection #14 EDF2085 Prejudice

It is scary to say I grew up rather absent minded and was subject just to taking orders and not questioning what was said to be done. If I was asked in earlier years if I was prejudice my answer then would be no. This would be a rather naïve answer after becoming aware that we as humans, are in some way shape or form has some prejudice down inside of us. Prejudice goes way beyond the color of our skin and our social class. It entails such elements as denying another, hating, despising, avoidance, stereotyping and the experience of some discomfort. This internal conflict that causes us to develop these stigmas may be referred to as prejudice. May of these barriers is installed when we were growing up as children. We were taught basic values and attitudes by our parents, who in addition to this, teaches us the basic norms of the culture whether directly or indirectly. We were thought many myth of which is perceived to be fact and in return these believes grew with us and is later projected onto any element that is viewed differently from that which we hold as truth. Some of what or most of what we learn as facts were not investigated or challenged, and hence when confronted with facts we go in stage of denial.

Prejudice is often caused by a group or sub-group attempting to protect their own. It is often an unintended and unconscious response that was never intended to hurt anyone but to protect what they think is right and acceptable. On the other hand however simple this may seem, prejudice is rather a complex mater. It takes hard work and persistence to eradicate the impulses of prejudice. This process is encountered with the resistance to accept truth, and the deep rooted beliefs of what we once thought to be true. In the society that we are living in today, is the existence of many prejudice however with the effort to reduce these problem we are like to face less prejudicial issue. The results of prejudice can and have been very ruthless in earlier times; this is still a major problem among most groups and even countries today. It is recommended that each individual re-evaluate themselves and make a conscious effort to reduce whatever prejudice we may hold as our prized treasure.