Saturday, September 12, 2009

Reflection #5 EDF1005 Initiation rites and Rites of passage

Samantha Clarke
Reflection #5 EDF1005

Initiation rites and Rites of passage

People are exposed to different types of rites of passage depending on their culture and beliefs, which makes them separate and apart from others. Most of the time, these cultures are rejected by societies, who’s views are totally opposite. Majority of the time rites of passage are affiliated with puberty and the transition process starts at puberty. According to the reading Rites and Rites of Passage, this is the stage of entering manhood. At this stage children or youngster are put to various tests that should prepare them for the real world; however in some unfortunate cases some of these kids end up loosing their lives are become victims of trauma. Sometimes young boys are taken through erotic processes which is said to be good for them and is necessary for them to become men. While this is sacred to that culture others view this as an act homosexually and totally reject even the thought.

Culture can be good in the case where good morals and values are upheld and bad in the case where humans are treated inhumanely. However, who is to say what’s right or wrong for another in another culture. Often time’s individuals of different culture view their culture to be right and most of the time the only way. In the reading mentioned previously rites of passage has two phases. Which can be the passage from one social status to another and the other that celebrates the passage of time; for example from one year to a new year.

How do the rites of passage apply to the teaching and learning? The rites of passage can be looked at as a series of stages of development and could be significant to the cycle of learning. Learning takes place through stages, so does the teaching process. The passage of rites can also help teachers to understand this truth and also to become aware of the vast variety of cultures that exist. Being aware, will facilitate in the openness and respect of these culture as the teaching and learning environment are becoming more diverse. In a diverse classroom teachers are called upon to present information and make learning accommodating to all learners, hence each teacher now need to be aware of different cultures and beliefs. Where rites of passage is concern teacher are often times present in most student life as they pass from childhood to adulthood and can make significant contribution to this passage.