Thursday, September 24, 2009

Reflection #10 EDF1005

Samantha Clarke
Reflection #10 EDF1005
The teacher as the gatekeeper
The teacher as the gate keeper signifies control. The teacher as the gatekeeper signifies order. The teacher as the gatekeeper signifies permission. As I reflect on my years in school, I remember where the teacher was the one in charge of what I was to learn that day. She would often tell the class when to take their books out and what and when to write. She would also instruct us on when to take small rest; when to speak and when to do just about everything. As I read the book Teacher School and Society I can identify with what the author is saying. Teacher initiate about 85% of the question in the class, I can also identify with much of the time wasting or business of the teacher.
In the teaching profession there has been very good strategies but there are also some loop holes. In the case where much time is spent by the teacher being busy taking care of handing out books or whatever the case may be; there need to be more planning as to what the students should be doing while this is taking place. It is important that students spent their time in school productively as this can lead to idleness or the loss of interest in school. Students should be given much time to interact and develop independence in learning. Even though teachers are acting in the best interest of the student it is important for them to recognize these miniature flaws. While they are often over looked they are often crucial and detrimental to some student’s ability.
The teacher as the gatekeeper are often time give the opportunity to make decisions based on assumption about students learning pattern. This is often time done without the consideration that their might me students with different learning styles. As a result students may be directed to a particular path at an early stage without getting the chance to make such precious decision for themselves. I remember when I was going to school they had a bright class and a dunce class. These children were seen as students who cannot learn and often time much attention was not given to them. They were some time mocked by other students about been in a dunce class. As a result of this students can think less of themselves and in the long run develop low self-esteem.

Reflection #9 EDF1005

Samantha Clarke
Reflection #9 EDF1005 (First School VS Ancient Egyptian Education)
The structure and development of school has change drastically over the years. The first school unlike today was developed in Samaria as a result of the cuneiform system of writing which most significantly contributed to civilization. While on the other hand in Ancient Egypt school emerged as a way to educated sons of priest and people with high status. In this article I will compare the reading of the First School and Ancient Egyptian Education. I will also express my thoughts on teacher effectiveness then and now.
The First School of Samaria was established on a basis of economic development, and schools were more for professional development. Small inscribed coins were used to keep records of most of the Samarian economic life. There were also records of study and practice found as early as 3000BC. The school was mainly focus on teaching scribes for economic development and administration demand of the land. Over the years, the school has become the center of learning. This entailed a wide variety of studied field such as Theology, Zoology, Mathematics and grammar and these are just a few. After being educated, many scribes’ serves in the temple while others devote themselves to teaching and learning. Needless to say only the wealthy was able to afford to educate their children. Students learn through memorizing information by repeating stuff, and learning was based on memory.
In ancient Egypt learning took place at an initial stage as a child. Children often model their parents or adult and at this stage they were actually learning skill to be used as an adult. They were taught the trade of their parents and were not able to choose profession freely. Adults thought them the culture, rituals and other moral values. Prince and princesses were formally educated while those of less social status were taught skill or other home management duties. Like The First School, Ancient Egypt scribes were taught through memorizing information, which was done through a rigorous process.
Today there are more opportunity to get an education in most parts of the world. However teaching and learning techniques are changing each to accommodate different learners. There are more resources and tools to assist in teaching a lesson hence, it can be said that teaching is more effective than in ancient time. Students are now given an opportunity to visualize certain key concepts which as a result enhance their learning ability. I would assume that students with learning disabilities had no place in their system of learning. Teacher are able to develop skills in enhancing students with different learning style which reflect some aspect of effectiveness.

Reflection #8 EDF2085 Socialization

Samantha Clarke
Reflection #8 EDF2085 Socialization

The term socialization from the point of view of the anthropologies and the socialist is the set norms a person or group learned as a result of what is expected of them to be accepted or loyal to that particular group. In addition to this there are many agents that influence the process of socialization, some of which are parents, school and the media. Parents play a vital role in setting the stage for children views of their social status. Automatically there is certain outcome that is expected of a child depending on their social class. This may influence whether they graduate from high school or college, or what they will eventually be in life.

A child may be socialized directly or indirectly. Often time a child may well know their social status t by observing how hard their parent work, or by their economic and educational status. This may also be evident when compared to others around. However the parent well know their social status and may gear a child to work hard at school to achieve good grade so they can go to college and get a good paying job. The parent may also on the other hand be ignorant to these issues and as a result these values are not instilled in the child. Parents may also have different life styles and education outcome which may assist a child in understanding their social class.

The media have shone some negative light on many area of social class. It is often thought that a poor person has no worth or they are looked down on. They want to tell you how to look, what to wear and how to do just about everything. I must also say that the media has become to pilot of the popular culture and many have become passengers of such indulging unrealistic flights. It as set rule and guideline for different classes and subtle barrier are built before you are aware. They invite themselves in the faculties of the mind without an invitation or a courtesy call, and needless you reject because it has become a mandate.

Gender and sexuality has been associated to stereotype for as long as forever. In our society today, or as popular culture has it women are baby makers and should do as thus says the man. There are many though shall not’s on the part of women as if to say they are some mundane robots. On the other hand, sexuality, the great big subject, is left up to choices but for whom to choose. I guess we all have our choices right?

commenting on intelligence is just a number

Based on my understanding the poem draws attention to the inequitable assumption and conclusions drawn by some so called influential group or persons who determines who are intelligent and who are not. It also shows the power of white supremacy that influence the outcome of the black people; but as the years passed and knowledge enriched the black there came many paradigm shift and who were thought to be intelligent may now not be . It speaks to the degree of racism and segregation , injustice and oppression imposed on minority.

Commenting on true love

Its amazing how a single song or singer can inspire the way we see love. While some of these song are based on true stories some are fiction and often time cause others to set high hopes in finding love. The poem highlights the path of love and how it can lead to a joyous feeling or sometimes emotional devastation. According to the poem, true love is felt and shared. Love can cause you to become blind to certain issue in the relationship. You may end up looking for a fairytale love if you are influenced by song writers.

commenting on rain drops

The poem depicts the hidden delicacies of a man’s emotion which is often suppress as a result of societal influences. It is often though that men should not cry or should not show emotion, but it should be noted that these suppression can erupt like a missile. The reality though is that men do cry and more often this is done as a result of broken relationships.

Comment on casual look

Is it love at first sight? A casual look could bring much detriment depending on the end you stand. For the receiver it’s that twitch that you feel by just that look. But to the giver the meaning could be a lot, I love you, or I love you not. It was a thing in those days to fall in love at first sight by just a casual look. Needless to say many made commitment that some time ruins their lives or some live happily ever after (yea right) there is no such thing. ‘Teeth and tongue must meet’:-) 

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Reflection #7 EDF2085 Importance of rites of passage

Samantha Clarke
Reflection #7 EDF2085
Importance of rites of passage

Rites of passage signifies the process of passing from childhood to manhood. It is a stage where all childish behaviors and attitudes should be forgotten. Regardless of your culture or where you are from every one participate in the rites of passage. Some country celibate your sixteenth birthday and this should signify that you are now an adult. While some may start at a later or earlier age. Rites of passage can be a very rigorous process depending on the culture. Regardless of culture the rites of passage actually take you from your present group or stage and prepares you for a new stage, and then re-entered at this new stage into society. During this time each individual will form their own paradigms and prepare themselves for the future.

In Sambia regular fellatio is practiced as their rites of passage from youth to man. They are literally forced to perform these rituals in order to complete the process of becoming a man. In addition to this they are though the secret of the tribe which their life is threatened if they should discloses this to a female. In Sambia this was a sacred act, that has been passed down from ancestor to ancestors. The youth will be taught by elder men for many years.

In Mt. Kenya the boys are circumcised and the girls female section is carefully dissected. This is preceded by a series of ceremony and special diet in the latter end. The girls were to be pure meaning no sexual activity, for this reason she is put through a series of interrogation for the purpose of confession. If she is sexually active a special purification is done to before the initiation process. All these rituals are done to ensure the passage of rites.

Formal education is a form of rites of passage. The process from childhood the start of school is another form of passage. However when student have been through a series of learning, from high school through to college they are in an initiation process. At graduation, students enter the society as well prepared men and women. Formal education can be view as a rites of passage in this sense, which is common to most European countries.

Reflection #8 EDF1005 The Three Wave of Education Reform

Samantha Clarke

Reflection #8 EDF1005

The Three Wave of Education Reform

Education has been through many stages of development throughout the years. This is due to the increased innovative development and societal development. There have also been many critics to this process and still yet, a perfect system has not emerged. It is said that education is the backbone of any nation but so often the issue of education have been put on the back burner. Low and behold, a comparison was made proving that American students have been doing very poorly in comparison to other underdeveloped or industrialized countries. Not only are they scoring far less on nation test but way below average when it comes to science and mathematics.

The first wave came around in that schools are being viewed as national defense and economic competition. Also there were increased demanded for employees to have basic reading and mathematics skills and for the military to have well trained personnel in the field of technology to combat the increasing sophisticated equipment. Hence the urgent need for the raising of standardized testing and national standards. Students were put through rigorous training and the demand for regular testing for both teachers and students became the center focus. In this first stage many important factor got overlooked and the main issue was the pointing out low performing students, teachers and schools.

After recognizing the unrealistic effort of the new curriculum, around 1980 educators attempt to make basic changes to the curriculum; stating that students should cover fewer topics but study them more in dept. Improvement for qualified teachers and better pay was also an issue that was on the agenda and the strengthening of the role of the principal. Teacher had little control over school and poor academic performance was still alarming.

The third wave introduces a complete package towards education. It was discussed that unfortunate families were unable to produce a conducive learning experience for their kids when some vital issues are not been taken care of. These include health care, transportation, and social services. This approach was to help the child transition into successful adults. These comprehensive services were to be seen as a one stop shop for education and other services.

The first wave continues to be dominant due to the increased competition with other nation. It is also more dominant because globalization has called for more innovative and sophisticated services. As new inventions emerge one need to stay ahead of the game or else they will eventually be left behind. This is rather potentially dangerous to any countries survival and economic growth.

Reflection #7 EDF1005 Ancient Egypt

Samantha Clarke
Reflection #7 EDF1005
The three-fold approach to education in the ancient civilization of Egypt and Mesopotamia

Like our regular approach to education today, education in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia was somewhat similar. When we were born, we all learn the basic thing or way of survival through our parents. Still yet some of us are still taught the trades of our parents and are expected to carry this out in the future. For example some preachers expect their sons to become a preacher also. Which often this can cause problem if that son wants to choose a different path, we learn basic principle at home. Such as, expected moral how to survive and the rules of culture and what is expect of us in our society.

In ancient Egypt, the process of teaching and learning also took place at home in the early stage of child’s life. Depending on your social status it would then be determined whether you attend formal school or go through apprenticeship. However most of the learning is place through kids modeling adults. At this early stage in ancient Egypt kids’ paradigm started to form such as views of the world ritual religion and culture. They were taught ethical principle which was found in wisdom literature and they often follow in the foot step of their family. Moral standard were instilled like us in our present society today such as thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s house. There are three main approaches to education back then.

Apprenticeship took place through a process similar to on the job training. Depending on our master and how well you have learned, you could go on to be very successful in life. This process of apprenticeship last for about 14 years and starts at about age 9. If the child is been taught by a particular mater then he is obligated to that master. The apprentice if fed, cloth and given shelter by his master. At this stage little or no monetary fund is given to the apprentice. However at the end of the apprenticeship, depending on the master a sum so money may be given to the apprentice.

Temple unlike in our society had a different meaning and purpose. In Egypt, it was a sacred sanctuary, where only priest enter and the sacred rites and ceremonies were performed. They were house of instruction and sons were brought to the school for scribe. In Mesopotamia, temple where the most sophisticated buildings. It was build for recreation; they were high and were thought of as ascending to God. It was also said it was done to raise the city above the life of the city below.

Through civilization and new inventions schools have developed to be a center of learning in society. Education has been through many stages and is still going under fine tuning. But will this developmental cycle stop?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Reflection #6 EDF2085 the “Little Rock Nine”

Samantha Clarke

Reflection #6 EDF2085 the “Little Rock Nine”

In just a few years it would seems, multicultural education was never an option. The though would have been rather offensive to some people as the poor or colored were never consider worthy of such privileges. The journey to multicultural education was one of bloody turmoil which have caused many innocent men, women and children to loose their lives. Families were torn apart without the consideration of the long term effect this may have caused. Beautiful men and women were looked upon as properties and as the scum of society. They were misused, mistreated and abuse, even though they were the one performing the transition to civilization. The rise of segregation has emerged rapidly as the rich tried to get richer while climbing on the backs of others. This greed has lead to many devastation and sabotages of the colored.

Even though many efforts were made to combat equal rights and justice, influential authorities would pass various laws that would restrict the smooth transition. Children were put to work people were keeping from many civil activities including going to school. They had no rights; no laws that protected them in any way accept the laws of their so called owners. However many determined individual tried to push for a change.

When the Little Rock Nine thought they had a chance to go to school they were barred from been registered in a white school ‘Central High School, Little Rock, Arkansas. These kids were however determined to achieve their freedom to be registered at the school. Many battles have been fought which in the long run became successful and open many door. Certainly I cannot, explain how these kids felt, but for sure I would have fought to the end. The insulting slurs would have probably made me feel less of myself and pushed me to quit, but thank God they did not quit. I am sure question about my identity would have emerged and a felling of not belonging to America would have faced me on such a journey. This injustice was overwhelming to these kinds and sure enough would have been for me.

Reflection #5 EDF2085 culture and incultration competence

Samantha Clarke
EDF2085 reflection #5

Culture and Intercultural Competence

Culture is one complex topic! However we all are involved in culture individually or collectively and we all act and behave according to what we have learnt through culture. In my opinion, the term culture may be defined as the social norms to which a particular group identifies with, it shape the way they think, act and believe and also how they view and interact with others outside their group or culture. This article is a reflection of the readings culture: creating context 2 and intercultural competences. I will share what insight I have gained through reading these article.

Upon reading these articles I have come to realize how complex culture can become. It is rather a sensitive subject when it comes to understanding other and their beliefs. One can never fathom the true essence and sacredness of another culture unless they have developed intercultural competence. This leads me to ask the question, can any one-person become completely intercultrally competent? It is often believe by one group or another that their culture is distinct and superior to other culture. However on the other hand no one culture is independent of the other. The human spirit has to interact with others and other culture in order to form the true foundation of their culture. Each one teachers the other, or the other pushes each one to the extent of their beliefs or norms.

A country as the United States of America might have never though of the implications of culture and cultural influences. In our schools today teachers are faced with the complexity of multiculturalism. Classrooms are now so diverse that in order to accommodate each student an understanding of culture is required and in addition to acquiring this knowledge they themselves have to go through a process of transformation and then transmit this information to the coming generation. However the process of migration, enculturation and acculturation has been taking place for century and it is now that most society is dealing with it in a humane manner and integrating the understanding in our schools.

I have also learned that culture can be learned, transmitted or shared and student are often victims of enculturation, they acquire their knowledge from teaches, other students and most important their parents. Even though culture can be learned it can also be loss through various forms such as acculturation and wars just to name a few. However learning about these issues is advantageous in the understanding and interaction with others of different culture.

relection #6 EDF1005 Invention of writing and ancient civilization

Reflection #6 EDF1005 Invention of writing and ancient civilization

Why is the invention of writing so important to the establishment of the world’s great ancient civilization? The development of various technologies evolves through early Hominoid. As one development moves to another and the social needs of these species demands more creativity a series of new inventions came about. Writing has said to begin many years ago through pictographs and ideographs. Three early writings are as follows, the cuneiform, glyphs and the modern Chinese character. Although some of these might have become obsolete they can be translated today due to the development of writing.

The invention of writing preserves many traditions, values, beliefs, culture and is significant in the evidence of the pass. Writing is a link between the early years and the present. Civilization might have started or evolves through the systems of trades. This is when the real means to communicate became rather important. This gives way to the use of token, beans, symbols and other forms that were use to communicate. The inconsistency of word and meaning actually started in ancient when symbols were use to denoted meaning that had no relatedness. Hence pictogram is transferred to symbols of sound. Today’s language, the English language to some extent can be written using sound for picture. The complexity of writing and its complicated syllable is a replica of ancient development of language, which is the integration of another or borrowed language that leads to another or the formation of another cultures writing.

Writing was crucial to the world’s great ancient civilization because it was a way of communicating in trade. It was a way of keeping records and keeping track of goods. The need for communication has developed as one country or one culture wanted to communicate with each other. The written language did not just evolve in a given day; it evolves over a series of time and transition, which has help to boost civilization. We have seen today that with out written communication there would be several hold backs. Today, invention of language has given rise to an information age which in turn open the gate to many other inventions. Even today written languages are used in trading and as many other forms.

Reflection #5 EDF1005 Initiation rites and Rites of passage

Samantha Clarke
Reflection #5 EDF1005

Initiation rites and Rites of passage

People are exposed to different types of rites of passage depending on their culture and beliefs, which makes them separate and apart from others. Most of the time, these cultures are rejected by societies, who’s views are totally opposite. Majority of the time rites of passage are affiliated with puberty and the transition process starts at puberty. According to the reading Rites and Rites of Passage, this is the stage of entering manhood. At this stage children or youngster are put to various tests that should prepare them for the real world; however in some unfortunate cases some of these kids end up loosing their lives are become victims of trauma. Sometimes young boys are taken through erotic processes which is said to be good for them and is necessary for them to become men. While this is sacred to that culture others view this as an act homosexually and totally reject even the thought.

Culture can be good in the case where good morals and values are upheld and bad in the case where humans are treated inhumanely. However, who is to say what’s right or wrong for another in another culture. Often time’s individuals of different culture view their culture to be right and most of the time the only way. In the reading mentioned previously rites of passage has two phases. Which can be the passage from one social status to another and the other that celebrates the passage of time; for example from one year to a new year.

How do the rites of passage apply to the teaching and learning? The rites of passage can be looked at as a series of stages of development and could be significant to the cycle of learning. Learning takes place through stages, so does the teaching process. The passage of rites can also help teachers to understand this truth and also to become aware of the vast variety of cultures that exist. Being aware, will facilitate in the openness and respect of these culture as the teaching and learning environment are becoming more diverse. In a diverse classroom teachers are called upon to present information and make learning accommodating to all learners, hence each teacher now need to be aware of different cultures and beliefs. Where rites of passage is concern teacher are often times present in most student life as they pass from childhood to adulthood and can make significant contribution to this passage.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

EDF1005 Reflection 4 Lucy and the African Eve

Samantha Clarke
EDF1005 Reflection 4

Lucy and the African Eve

Over the years there have been many controversies about the origin the human speeches. Many individuals have come up with creative ways to try and explain human origins either through scientific or faith base. However, many question and curiosities have left major gaps which even today left some people in doubt. Evolution or creation, what do you say? This reflection will give an overview of what I have learned through reading.

According to the readings, I have learned that Technology Advancement have allowed for dramatic studies and findings about the Hominid species. Based on these finding, scientist are able to classify these species into different groups. The most major ones are the Ape group, which includes the Australopithecus (Ramidus, Afarensis, Africanus and Robustus) and the ones we are most concerned with the Human Homo (Habilis, Erectus’ and Sapiens). As new finding and more sophisticated technoloies evolve scientist are able to explain these early fossil remains.

It is rather interesting how scientist have tract early humans; one significant finding that I have learned about is the findings of Lucy. The Australopithecus Afarensis was the earliest Hominid species know, until 1995. They live about 4 to 3 million years ago. About 300 hundred fragments were found which include the complete structure of Lucy. .Afarensis is classified as an Ape, but closely related to human beings in terms of body structure. It is said that Lucy resembled a chimpanzee. They lived in the forest and their teeth structure indicate an omnivorous diet.

It is evident that these various species went under a series of transformation, from the early ape ancestries to the present human beings. It is believed that human came from Africa and that the early species spread to different parts of the world and peopled it. Even today Nuclear DNA are still showing significant finding as to the origins of human and their link to early species. They have linked HIV to be originated in Africa and argue that the chromosome 12 existed in African humans more than other non-African humans.

I have always heard about evolution but have never taken the time to study it. Based on these reading I have not change my views on human origin but it has opened my eyes to looking at evolution in another light.

Reflection 3 edf1005 Approaches to Multicultural Education

Approaches to Multicultural Education

Education and multiculturalism has come a long way, and based on the country or where you are from you will have different experiences. Today multiculturalism has become a common topic in our society, hence the development of approaches to a multicultural education. This reflection is geared to give an overview of multicultural education in my elementary and secondary school and what approach was used. I will also share my views on what approach I would have loved to see introduced then.

Depending on the country or where you are from you will have different experiences when it comes to multiculturalism. Back in the late nineteenth century, I attended school in Jamaica where our classrooms were filled with all Jamaican. Diversity was not experienced as it is in the American classroom. However, little diversity was found in the society itself, and as the culture is, there wasn’t much cultural or diversity issues. On the other hand where disability is concern, these children were not sent to school. They would often stay home and to some extent hidden from society. Parents felt ashamed to be the parent of a disabled child and never saw the need to educate them.

The approach taken in the classroom though, was more similar to the contributive and additive approach. Students were taught about national heroes as well as foods and festivals. To an extent the additive approach would often take the form of celebrating and educating about special holidays or accomplishment. For example, National Heroes day or Independence Day, were studied a week or two prior to the celebrated day.

If I had the choice to choose the approach teachers used in my elementary and secondary years I would have chosen the Social Action approach. Even though there wasn’t much diversity in my country or classroom, an additive approach would have given students options in making decision pertaining to social issues and help in solving them. Students would learn to view issues from multiple perspectives and sensitivity towards certain social issues would have been developed. Students would have given a chance to explore different cultures and in return become more sensitive towards different racial, ethnic, culture and groups, and more specific to there country, the lack of understanding when it come to disabilities and difference of backgrounds.

As the world become more multicultural, the need for adjustment and transformation I required. Teachers do have a lot of responsibility and accountability but as they transform and reinvent themselves, not only they will be ahead of their game but also their task will become much easier.

Reflection 4 Why a diversity course?

Why a diversity course?

We would think that the need for a diversity course is unimportant and that we are aware of the fact that we are all different in some ways. But, is that the only issues underling diversity? How prepared are we as teacher in a diverse classroom? This paper will discuss the case study “Samantha Carter’s Diversity Class” and why she needs to take a diversity course. I will discuss issues about experience that might have leaded me to think that I am well-prepared for diversity and in what am I prepared.

Despite the experiences that Sam had with teaching and interacting with different types of student; she also needs to be knowledgeable about diversity in order to be an effective teacher. Our world is changing rapidly and more and more cultures, beliefs, religion and disabilities are found in the classroom of today. In order for real learning to take place and the accommodation of all students to be considered, a teacher must be aware of these differences. The real effect will take place after becoming more knowledgeable and one is able to reinvent their thinking and perception to accommodate each student. Because we all learn differently, which is based on the differences in culture, abilities and perception but not limited to these few, Sam will have to be able to incorporate various skills to include all these learners. There will be the need for the ability to improve and encourage intergroup and intragroup interaction and how to transmit intercultural understanding and skills to students. Adversity course will aid in the understanding of social and cultural changes and to understand culture, learning and culture learning processes.

Am I well-prepared for diversity? Or will anyone be well-prepared for diversity? I will not say that I am well-prepared for diversity as this is an ongoing preparation. However I have become aware of the social and cultural difference and to some extent accepting and tolerating people of difference. I am coming to a deeper understanding of cultural and social change through my present diversity class. I have also experience diversity in my classroom as a student but not from a teacher’s perspective. However I will be introduced to such an experience further on in the course through service learning.

In summary, in a multicultural ever-changing society, a diversity class is important to all teachers. This will enable them to be competent in the teaching and learning process. It is also one way to educate the coming generation about multicultural awareness and to accommodate different type of learners.

reflection 3 edf2085


What are paradigms and paradigm shifts? We are all are influenced by paradigm and paradigm shifts in some way or another. How do we formulate our ideas? Are these ideas ours or just the result of someone else’s imposed perception? This article is aimed at helping the reader understand the term paradigm and paradigm shift. I will discuss my personal paradigm shift and why it is important for teacher to experience it.

According to the article Frames, paradigm and paradigm shift, “everything we think, feel or do is shaped by our paradigms including how we perceive and interpret our selves and our reality”. This is done through and organized sequence; one that is able to integrate our observations and assumptions that we formed through our experiences. This is then the backbone of our perception one that is hard to change unless been lived with and explored. This change of perception if taken place is termed as paradigm shift. Paradigm Shift occurs after we have lived with and explored our perception, we might change based on new knowledge gained or new experience. Dated back to ancient times we have seen where many paradigm shifts took place which lead to new concepts or inventions that has passed down to our present generation. In our schools and society today, where technology, globalization cultural pluralism is intertwined a new type of paradigm is emerging. People are now learning to accept and tolerate others with difference of culture, sexuality, religion and beliefs just to name a few. Hence the evidence that we are all subject to paradigm and paradigm shifts.

It is amazing the way our formed paradigms can influence the out come of our live, what we do, how we think and see the world. I remember growing up as a child and going through school, I had not developed a real reason for going. I was at school everyday early because I had to but still had no purpose, no plans for the future and no set goal. As a result of this no effort was made to do well in school rather it was not important to me. Hence I never saw the importance of education. I also developed the concept that I couldn’t achieve anything better than a grade “C” on my test. Well this all change when I started interacting with people who valued education. I was around friends who were going to college and had a purpose in life. This is when I started putting one and two together and have come to realize the importance of education. I also came to change my perception about test grades. This paradigm shift had opened a whole new door for me. I now see things differently and respond to situations differently. My whole perception of live have bee changed.

A paradigm shift does not only affect your personal life but also the way you see and interact with the world. As teacher it is of vital importance that each one experiences a paradigm shift. This will influence the way they perceive students as it relates to difference in culture, religion, background and beliefs. This is rather an important requirement in a diverse population.

In summary paradigm and paradigm shift shapes the way you see and interact with the world. Personal paradigm shift I a transformation and reinventing of ones self and the way we see the world. A change happen because we no longer belief what we use to.